Management and leadership in a VUCA world demand agility, resilience and a degree of flexibility to deal with the ever growing complexities of global markets. Business leaders will have to be capable of managing the risks of a VUCA world – a task that is facilitated through the three factors that the VGL leadership program offers, i.e. knowledge, skills and a relevant network of professionals. I have known the principals of VGL for more than 10 years and believe that they have designed an applicable program to help participants develop as leaders.
Now, more than ever, managers need the skills and agility to function in a rapidly changing, globalized environment. Succeeding and thriving in such an environment depends on managers being able to develop their cultural and emotional intelligence in such a way that they are able to connect their own and other’s values in order to create shared meaning and purpose. This course will help managers devise an individual plan to develop this skill-set.
Faced with a growing level of uncertainty and complexity in today’s world, business leaders and executives need appropriate tools and knowledge to make decisions and lead their respective teams and organisations. VGL offers the type of approach to help executives navigate through the complexities and ambiguities and to expand their international network. VGL’s principals have successfully operated in challenging business environments and have also helped other organisations to develop and implement relevant strategies.
We are living in very dynamic times, we face complex, ambiguous situations of which dynamics impact decision process at an unprecendented pace. Leaders of future need state-of-the-art toolkit to handle complex dependencies and ambiguities. It is not only about leadership values, intellectual strength, engagement and mastering personal traits such as openness, curiosity, cognitive flexibility or emotional intelligence but also deepening the understanding of dynamic business and technological environment, changing characteristics of the human capital in present-day micro- and macro-economic processes and their impact on future. Leaders of tomorrow need to develop continuously in order to plan, to engage and to deliver in an efficient and sustainable way.
Providing excellent leadership in today’s world requires solid knowledge about contextual demands from markets and society, deep insight into the dynamics and paradoxes of organizations and the people who work in and with them, and the ability to make decisions based on facts and intuition. VGL’s “Mastering Leadership in a Complex World” provides all this and, in addition, an arena for exchange with high-caliber peers and experts.
A cardinal feature of the world today is the level of uncertainty we face and the consequent confusion it generates. We are bombarded daily with an avalanche of news (some of them fake), having to navigate our way through heaps of facts (some of them alt-facts) and watch with growing anxiety parliamentary democracy being substituted with autocracy, illiberalism and ‘Twitter democracy’. In this new world we inhabit, as we evidence creeping populism and the unchecked rise of nationalism, the role of responsible, well informed and capable leadership has never been greater nor more urgent.
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Vienna Global Leaders is a platform by EUNEPA dedicated to developing and connecting managers and leaders in a complex world.
Vienna Global Leaders by EUNEPA
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 142 / Top 5, 1050 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 996 2078
E: info@viennagloballeaders.com